Training Course Faculty:
. Dr. Suresh K Pandey, MS (PGIMER), Ant. Segment Fellowship (USA)
. Dr. Vidushi Sharma, MD, (AIIMS), FRCS, Ocuploastic & Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship (Australia)
. Dr Gunjan Prakash, MD (AIIMS) Vitreo-retinal Surgeon
. Dr Abhisek Kothari, MS, Fellowship, Shankara Netralaya, Chennai, India
. Dr Ankur Sinha, MD (AIIMS) Glaucoma and Strabismus Surgeon
Hands On Training Course Offered at SuVi Eye Institute, Kota, Rajasthan, India (Duration 2 to 4 weeks)
1. Phacoemulsification Surgery (Basic and Advanced)
2. Oculoplastic Surgery (DCR, Ptosis, Entropion, Ectropion, Mucous Membrane Grafts, etc)
3. Pterigium Surgery (Sutureless, Glue Free patrigium Surgery with Conjunctival Autograft)
4. Glaucoma Surgery (Trabeculectomy, Glaucoma Valves), Pediatric Glaucoma Surgery
5. Strabismus Surgery (Routine and Complex)
6. Botulinum Toxin Injection for Blepharospasm, Hemi-facial Spasm
7. Intravitreal Injection of Anti-VEGF, Intravitreal Injection of Triamcinolone, Antibiotics
8. Surgical Retinal Training: Vitreo-retinal Surery
9. Medical Retina: Retinal Lasers, FFA, OCT, Ultrasonography B Scan
1. Two Weeks Phaco Course (Basic and Advanced): The short term course allows the trainee to observe / perform about 20 phacoemulsification procedures, under the supervision and guidance of the clinic surgeons over a period of 2 weeks. The trainee will learn incision architecture, capsulorhexis, hydro-dissection and, nucleus sculpting and division, various chopping techniques, cortical cleanup, as well as lens implantation. While the trainee will observe / perform the procedure, the experienced faculty will be on hand to guide the trainee at each step, and to take over the procedure if there is a likelihood of a problem. Each procedure will be taped, and the tape reviewed along with the experienced surgeon. If there is a perceived need, didactic lectures will also be taken.
2. HANDS ON LASIK Course/LASIK OBSERVERSHIP : Lasik has become one of the fastest growing and most popular medical procedures. More than 4 million people worldwide have undergone Lasik, and it is not difficult to visualize a world free from spectacles and contact lenses.
For Lasik Training we have the latest US FDA approved amo Star S4 Visx Eximer Laser Machine. The AMO Visx latest excimer laser system represents the most advanced laser technology platform available today. Integrating data collected by the WaveScan WaveFront System, the STAR S4 IR utilizes theses exclusive VISX technologies to deliver precision custom ablations. During Intensive LASIK Course, the following topics are covered during the training :-
1. Overview of Laser Refractive Surgery, 2. Surgical Technique of LASIK, 3. Lasik Complications & Management.
3. Oculoplastic Surgery Training : This include training in DCR, Entropion, Ectropion, Ptosis etc. The training may be a observer ship or hand on based on surgical experience of the candidate.
4.Pterigium Surgery Training: This include suture-less pterigium surgery with glue free autograft.
5.Pediaric Cataract Surgery Training
We perform high volume pediatric cataract surgery at our center. The candidate will have chance to observe infantile and pediatric cataract surgery.
6. Vitreo - Retinal Training / Fellowship : Retinal diseases are likely to become a major cause of blindness in the developing world. The number of Diabetic Retinopathy patients is on the rise with increase in the diabetic population, and at the same time facing a severe resource scarcity. Ophthalmic education should prepare professionals not only for the challenges they will face today, but also for future developments.
Among 12,000 ophthalmologists in India, only 10% of them are trained in the management of Vitreo-Retinal diseases. We offer Short term Observership, Training in Medical Retina and observer-ship in Surgical Retina.
Short-term Medical Retina Training : (1-3 months, minimum 2 weeks), to General Ophthalmologists or fresh ophthalmology graduates interested in learning Vitreo-Retinal examination, investigations & diagnosis. Training will be provided in Indirect Ophthalmoscopy, 90 d Slit-Lamp Biomicroscopy, Fundus Fluorescein Angiography, Ocular Ultrasonography, Optical Coherence Tomography, Retinal laser Photocogulation and Intravitreal injections.
The surgical management of glaucoma is offered to patients if drug therapies have not been satisfactory or are inappropriate. There are two types of surgical treatment: those using a laser and those using surgical techniques. We conduct a One Week Workshop with training in Glaucoma Surgery / Filtering Surgery. This will cover Surgical ( Trabeculectomy with Releasable Suture ), Investigation ( Applanation Tonometry, Gonioscopy, Automated Perimetry ) and YAG Laser Peripheral Iridectomy.
7. Glaucoma Surgery :